Saturday, 8 September 2018

Homeless but not Hopeless

Community Service Project : "Homeless Not Hopeless"

So it is time for us to start our last project which is feeding the homeless people around Kota Kinabalu city. The fund that we have raise all these semester will be use to buy ingredients and we use our college kitchen to cook the meal ourself. We started at 3 pm where all of the member all gathered and started cooking. Chef Amirul and Chef Putra are accompanying us to cook for the meal. The menu is Ayam masak kicap with Sauteed Veggie and rice. we also make muffin to give to the homeless and also mineral waters. I am the one who have been listed to cook the ayam masak kicap. We packed the food in plastic and i the styrofoam container also known as "Tapau". We cook the meal for about 100 pax and divide it into 3 part in a large plastic. We have been brief by chef naim and we are divided into 3 groups which will go to three different location. The first group is lead by Chef Amirul where they are station at Kampung Air. The second group are lead by Chef  Naim that went to Centre point. And finally the last group which are my group who is lead by Chef Putra and we are going to Segama. We distribute the meal to every homeless that we found around kota kinabalu city. We end our project at Pasar Besar KK where We enjoy "Pisang Hijau".


Staff arrival
3:00 PM – 3:30 PM
Started cooking
3:30 PM – 7:00 PM
Chef naim briefing and Group breaking
7:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Start our journey to KK and Start operation
8:30 PM – 10:30 PM
Gather at pasar besar KK
10.30PM – 10:40PM
Chef naim final speech and photographing
10:40PM – 11:00PM
The event ends

 Menu Recipe :

Ayam Masak Kicap

  • 1 onion (rounded sliced)
  • 2 garlic (sliced)
  • 10 chillies (whichever spice you like)
  • 2 pieces of chicken meat (simple cut)
  • 1 cup Bunga Lawang
  • 3 cloves
  • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon
  • 2 buah pelaga
  • Soy sauce
  • Salt to taste

  1. Mix chicken with turmeric and then fry half cooked in a separate pan.
  2. Add the oil (quite a bit). Like He put in 5 tablespoons of oil
  3. Then fry the chillies, garlic, cloves, bunga lawang, cinnamon, and pelaga until they smell
  4. Add in onion and mix with sauteed.
  5. Then add the soy sauce (measure as you like).
  6. Insert a little water in a quarter of a cup to increase the quantity of gravy.
  7. If the soy sauce tastes melted, add the soy sauce.
  8. Add salt to taste.
  9. Lastly, add chicken that has been fried in half earlier.
  10. Wait until you've tasted the whole chicken.
  11. Pick up and serve
Sauteed Mix Veggies

  • Mix veggies
  • oil
  • salt and pepper
  • garlic
  • red onion
  • oyster sauce

  1. Sautee red onion with garlic.
  2. Then put in mix veggies
  3. sautee for a while and add oyster sauce
  4. add some seasoning
  5. ready to serve.


Staff picture

Chef Naim team
Chef Amirul team
Chef Putra Team
All staff Picture

This is the final project for us in cosmopoint college as we know that we will be doing our internship and everybody will be go to their own selected hotel to gather more experience. I hope in the future we can do more event like this because it is not just for the homeless but it is for us to. Thankyou for staying until the last entry. goodluck and best wishes :3

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