Monday, 5 June 2017

First Day

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On the first week, we have been brief about what is garde manger. Learn about the history of garde manger and what our duty as a garde manger is. We also organize our COD and SOD schedule for the following weeks and we have arrange everybody to form 4 group. We have divided all the cleaning duty on every week. Our class lecturer that will conduct the garde manger subject is Chef Khairul Azmi.

Garde manger is a duty in the kitchen where work on a cool and well ventilated kitchen. Garde manger comes from a French word that means Keeper of the food. It profession is on cold dish such as salad, appetizers, terrines and others. This garde manger usually work on the cold kitchen area. Modern garde manger can refer to different things in the professional kitchen. In many restaurants it is a station which is generally an entry-level cooking position within a restaurant, as it often involves preparing salads or other smaller plates which can be heated and quickly plated without significant experience. In other high-profile classically influenced restaurants and hotels, the position pertains to the classical preparations.

·         First, Chef Khairul ask us to gather in the classroom instead of the kitchen. Some of the student came late to the class so we wait for the student to come for about 30 minutes. After all are gathered in the classroom, we do some basic introduction of ourselves.Then, Chef Khairul started to brief us about the introduction of garde manger and all the importance things that we need to know about garde manger before we start our lesson in the kitchen. After that, we started to organize our COD and SOD duty tables. We also organize a cleaning duty tables so that everybody will need to clean the kitchen after it has been used. From that Tables, chef khairul have divided us into 4 group. 

We learn about the importance of the garde manger in the industry and we learn the exact criteria on how to be a good garde manger chef. We also learn to organise ourslef in the kitchen so that the duty are divided evenly among the students. We hope that this lesson will be useful to us in the future when we started our career as a professional chef.

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