Saturday, 22 July 2017

Chicken Galantine

Image result for chicken Galantine

Galantine comes from French where it is a debone meat and most commonly used poultry and fish that is poached and served cold. Galantine usually stuffed with forcemeat and wrap in a chicken into a cylindrical shape. In middle ages, the term galautine or galantyne refer to several sauce that have been made from breadcrumbs with others ingredients such as cinnamon and seasoned with salt and pepper.

In this entry, I want to talk about how we make chicken galantine. All of the students came early (alhamdulillah) that is before 7:30 am. Before we start our class, Chef Khairul give us some time to take some breakfast and gather again in the kitchen. We cook 2 galantine and some bone soup (sup tulang bujang) and another things that have been boiled. (I didn’t know the name) We started our class and end it successfully. But at the end of our class, we didn’t clean the kitchen properly and we have been force by Chef Khairul to double clean it. Teheee :3


Chicken galantine

Whole Chicken – Debone
Minced Chicken
Bread – 6 slices
Fresh cream – 1 cup
Carrot – 1 nos
Green Bellpepper – 1 nos
Onion – 2 nos
Garlic – 9 set
Egg – 2 nos
Salt and pepper

Method of preparation:
  1. First, cut the bread, onion, garlic, bell pepper, carrot into small diced.
  2. Next, mix in the eggs, fresh cream, bread and breast chicken into the food processor and blend it until smooth.
  3. After that, mix the blend ingredients and the diced ingredients in a bowl.
  4. Take the whole chicken and debone it.
  5. Stuff the ingredients that we mix earlier and tie the chicken with a butcher string into a cylindrical shape.
  6. Bake the galantine for 40-45 minutes with 180 degree Celsius.
  7. Take the galantine out and it is ready to serve.  

Chicken galantine usually serve cold. we are satisfied with our last product overthought there is some error that we have made but we properly manage to do it properly and we hope it will not repeated in the near future. 

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