Tuesday, 25 July 2017


This time I will tell about our assignment 1 on Garde Manger subject that require us to explain about salad. What I will share is a good knowledge for us and even it will be a good information for other readers. In this entry, there will be information about salad, defenition of salads, type of salads and for bonus, I will post some recipe of how to prepare a delicious salad that can be serve for all kind of people. 

( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salad )

The word "salad" comes from the French salade of the same meaning, from the Latin salata (salty), from sal (salt). In English, the word first appears as "salad" or "sallet" in the 14th century. Salt is associated with salad because vegetables were seasoned with brine or salty oil-and-vinegar dressings during Roman times. The phrase "salad days", meaning a "time of youthful inexperience" (based on the notion of "green"), is first recorded by Shakespeare in 1606, while the use of salad bar, referring to a buffet-style serving of salad ingredients, first appeared in American English in 1976.

( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salad )

The Romans and ancient Greeks ate mixed greens with dressing. In his 1699 book, Acetaria: A Discourse on Sallets, John Evelyn attempted with little success to encourage his fellow Britons to eat fresh salad greens. Mary, Queen of Scots, ate boiled celery root over greens covered with creamy mustard dressing, truffles, chervil, and slices of hard-boiled eggs.

Oil used on salads can be found in the 17th century colony of New Netherland (Later called New York, New Jersey and Delaware). A list of common items arriving on ships and their designated price when appraising cargo, "a can of salad oil at 1.10 florins" and "an anger of wine vinegar at 16 florins". In a 1665 letter to the Director of New Netherland from the Island of Curaçao there is a request to send greens, "I request most amicably that your honors be pleased to send me seed of every sort, such as cabbage, carrots, lettuce, parsley, etc. for none can be acquired here and I know that your honor has plenty,...".

The United States popularized mixed greens salads in the late 19th century. Salads, including layered and dressed salads, were popular in Europe since the Greek and Roman imperial expansions. Salads are sold in supermarkets, at restaurants and at fast food chains. In the US market, restaurants will often have a "Salad Bar" laid out with salad-making ingredients, which the customers will use to put together their salad.Salad restaurants were earning more than $300 million in 2014.


Salads appear on the menu in so many different guises and are embraced by today’s garde manger with such enthusiasm that one might imagine salads were invented by this generation of chefs. In fact, salads have played a key role throughout culinary history.
Fresh concoctions of seasoned herbs and lettuces, known as herba salata, were enjoyed by the ancient Greeks and romans alike.

Salad, if we think about salad of course we will think about vegetables. A salad is a dish consisting of a mixture of small pieces of food, usually featuring vegetables. In people minds, salad is always about green, leaves and diet and food for vegetarians. Actually, salad has many various kind of types that is tasty and salad not always 100% vegetables. There are some type of salads that mix meat within.

Salad can be serve at any point during meal. It can be serve as appetizer in a smaller portion that can stimulate the appetite. Salad also can be serve as a side dish accompany the main dish. It can also be serve as main course where it combines vegetables and meat and any other protein ingredients. For desserts, it must be a sweet version of salad where it contains various sweet fruits and dressings.


It is shown that this salad is a mix presentation where the lettuce and the nut are mix and season together.

Green Salad

Often called as garden salad, this kind of are a mix of varieties types of lettuce that is green. The salad leaf may be torn into pieces and will be garnished with nuts or croutons (a piece of sauteed or re baked bread, often cubed and seasoned). 

It is shown that this salad is a mix presentation where the lettuce and the nut are mix and season together.
Vegetables Salad

This kind of salad is different from the green salad where others colours of vegetables can be mixed in such as capsicums, cucumber, onion, garlic, carrots, celery, mushrooms and other varieties kind of fruit. Sometimes we can add some add or fish in the salad.

This salad present where the vegetables are at the bottom of the plate and the meat etc on top.
Bounds Salad
A bound salad are usually used for filling for examples sandwiches. It is a thick type of salad where vegetables, tuna, meat or egg and etc can be mix in with mayo.

This salad presentation is a mix one and it use some kind of sauce for condiments 
Main Course Salad

This type of salad may contain some vegetables and grilled meat. grilled fish and any types of grilled and fried meat or fish. For example, Butter Bean, Tuna and Celery Salad, Main dish macaroni salad, Grilled steak salad with Asian dressing.

This salad is a mixed fruit style and it serve in a bowl
Fruit Salad

Fruit salads are made of fruit, and include the fruit cocktail that can be made fresh or from canned fruit.

Different from other salad, this kind are serve in small portion such as in a small glass.
Dessert Salad

Dessert salads rarely include leafy greens and are often sweet. Commonly mix with gelatin and whip cream.

This type of salad is an arranged type where it season and arrange differently
Composed Salad

A composed salad is a salad arranged on a plate rather than put into a bowl. It can be used as a meal in itself rather than as a part of a meal.


Here are some recipes that can try and it is delicious to eat together.

Crunchy Asian salad
Asian Cucumber Salad
Soba Noodle Salad
Kimchee Salad
Crunchy Noodles Salad
Mashed Tofu Salad
Ginger Salad

(I do not own the recipes and all the recipe are credited to the author)

Salad has many goodness and we as an healthy people need to take salad once in a while. Studies have suggested that eating vegetables and fruit have been known to be healthier. So be sure to take some in our daily menu so that it will balanced our diet. I hope that this entry will bring many useful information to the readers and let us together strife to a better future. TEHEEE :3

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