Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Quiche Lorraine

Image result for quiche lorraine

On this week, we learn the type of Hors D’oeuvres. We make the chicken quiche Lorraine.
Hors D’oeuvres are a small savory dish, typically one serve as an appetizer at the beginning of a meal. It is serve in a small portion that can be eat in one bite. It come from French that mean “out of work”. It serve as a starter because it usually savory and savory food are suitable for appetizer. Formerly, hors d’oeuvres also serve between courses.



Short Crust
Flour – 150g
Butter – 125g
Egg – 1 nos
Castor sugar – 1 tablespoon
Salt – to taste
Milk – 1 tablespoon

Onion – 1 nos
Chicken – 100g
Parmesan cheese – 175g
Egg – 7 nos
Heavy cream – 300ml
Parsley – 20g

Method of preparation

 Short crust
1.       Sift the flour into a bowl and add castor sugar and salt, mix it.
2.       Then add butter, milk and egg, mix it until it become fluffy.
3.       Rest the dough.
4.       Roll the dough until it is thin as a coin.
5.       Brush a little amount of margarine on the tart mold.
6.       Shape the thinned dough into the tart mold.
7.       Bake for 10 minute.
8.       Take the baked short crush out and put in rice/peanut inside the short crush.
9.       Bake it again for another 5 minute.
10.   It ready to fill.


1.       First put heavy cream on a bowl and add egg, mix it well.
2.       Add dice onion and chicken into the bowl and mix it well.
3.       Ready for filling.

Main process

1.       Fill the short crust with the filling that have been prepared. Don’t fill too much.
2.       Spread the parmesan cheese on top of the product.
3.       Bake for another 20 minute.
4.       Take the product out and begin plating.
5.       Use parsley to garnish the product.
6.       Ready to serve.

On this week, we learn our first appetizer making in garde manger subject even though we have learn many before in previous subject. We done it perfectly and we successfully end the class. We hope that this week lesson will help us in the nearest future.

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