Thursday, 20 July 2017

Tuna Canape

A canapé is a type of hors d’œuvre, a small, prepared and usually decorative food, consisting of a small piece of bread (sometimes toasted) or puff pastry or a cracker topped with some savoury food, held in the fingers and often eaten in one bite.The name comes from the French word for sofa,[1] drawing on the analogy that the garnish sits atop the bread as people do a couch.
Image result for Tuna Canape
Because they are often served during cocktail hours, it is often desired that a canapé be either salty or spicy, in order to encourage guests to drink more. A canapé may also be referred to as finger food, although not all finger foods are canapés. Crackers or small slices of bread or toast or puff pastry, cut into various shapes, serve as the base for savory butters or pastes, often topped with a “canopy” of savory foods as meat, cheese, fish, caviar, foie gras, purées or relish.

Traditionally, canapés are built on stale bread (although other foods may be used as a base), cut in thin slices and then shaped with a cutter or knife. Shapes might include circles, rings, squares, strips or triangles. These pieces of bread are then prepared by deep frying, sautéing, or toasting. The foods are sometimes highly processed and decoratively applied (e.g., piped) to the base with a pastry bag. Decorative garnishes are then applied. The canapés are usually served on a canapé salver and eaten from small canapé plates. The technical composition of a canapé consists of a base (e.g., the bread or pancake), a spread, a main item, and a garnish. The spread is traditionally either a compound butter or a flavored cream cheese. Common garnishes can range from finely chopped vegetables, scallions, and herbs to caviar or truffle oil.



1. cucumber - 1 nos
2. Fresh salad for garnish
3. Carrot for garnish
4. cheese cracker
5. mayonaise
6. canned tuna 

Method of preparation:

First, mix the canned tuna in a bowl and mix it with mayo, add some salt and pepper for seasoning.
Next, take one piece of cheese cracker for base and put the mixed tuna on top.
Lastly, garnish it with fresh salad and carrot or anything that make it look delicious.

Canape is an easy dish that we can make in seconds but it is the most important and crucial type of dish in the industry. we hope that we will gain some skill in doing this dish.

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